
The curriculum used in classrooms can have an immense impact on student learning. Research finds that access to high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) leads to improvement in student outcomes comparable to more than half a year of additional learning. Switching to a higher-quality, standards-aligned curriculum can have a bigger impact on student learning than the difference between having a first-year teacher and one with three years of experience. 

The Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy released its annual status report on public education, analyzing trends among Massachusetts students, educators, and schools, and highlighting areas for improvements. The 2025 Condition of Education in the Commonwealth report uses research to urge the Commonwealth to create a new vision for education.

In June 2023, the Supreme Court struck down race-based affirmative action practices in higher education, fundamentally altering the landscape of college admissions nationwide. Now, as colleges and universities share data on their first-year student enrollment, we can begin to unpack the real-world impact of this Supreme Court decision. This blog post examines what led to this moment, what the data from schools in Massachusetts and across the nation tells us, and what steps lie ahead for creating equitable pathways to higher education.
Massachusetts voters voiced their frustration with the MCAS when they showed up to the polls on November 5th, eliminating its role as a graduation requirement after more than two decades. But a larger conversation looms ahead. Advocates on both sides of the Question 2 debate have said the test itself isn’t perfect. It is time for a serious conversation about a better approach.
This election season, Massachusetts voters have the opportunity to decide whether or not the MCAS exam should be used as a graduation requirement. There are many passionate arguments from both proponents and opponents of the ballot question and it can be overwhelming to wade through the facts and opinions flooding our newsfeeds. If you're still undecided on Question 2, we're here to help. We've put together a series of resources that sum up the implications of the ballot question and the key arguments on each side. 
In recent years Massachusetts schools have seen a surge in newcomer students—a term used to refer to students who have receently arrived in the country and are new to our education system. This group of students, who are often highly resilient and eager to learn, need heightened academic, language, and social supports to thrive in an education system that was not designed for their success. Because many suburban and rural communities have enrolled unprecedented numbers of migrant students in recent years, districts all across the Commonwealth—not just the state’s traditional hubs for newly arrived immigrants—are looking to identify and apply effective strategies for supporting this growing student population. This month we're digging into the data on newcomer students in Massachusetts and looking at how schools can best support our newest residents.
The Rennie Center recently spoke with Iván Espinoza-Madrigal, Executive Director of Lawyers for Civil Rights, to learn more about the protections available to newcomer students under the law. Read the full interview to learn about the rights migrant students have when it comes to accessing public education in Massachusetts, enrollment processes for newcomer students and students experiencing homelessness, ways school districts can help families access information in their native language, and common pitfalls school committees and district leaders should be aware of as they craft policies for enrolling and educating newcomer students.
This election season, Massachusetts voters may face a ballot question on whether or not to end the MCAS graduation requirement. In the lead up to November, we are releasing a series of blog posts with all the information you’ll need to help you decide how to cast your vote. We kicked off our series in February with an overview of the MCAS and a look at its history. Last month we took a closer look at the graduation requirement itself and what proponents and opponents of the ballot initiative have to say. This month we’re offering an analysis of the Thrive Act, a bill  currently under consideration in the Massachusetts legislature that would, in part, remove the MCAS graduation requirement.
This election season Massachusetts voters may face a ballot question on whether or not to end the MCAS graduation requirement. In the lead up to November, we’ll be releasing a series of blog posts with all the information you’ll need to help you decide how to cast your vote. We kicked off our series in February with an overview of the MCAS and a look at its history. This month we’re taking a closer look at the implications of the ballot initiative, the graduation requirement itself, and what proponents and opponents of the ballot initiative have to say.
Schools have assessed student learning and growth with essentially the same grading system for more than a century. Since this system was created, the field has learned so much more about the way students learn, the systemic inequities embedded in the design of traditional grading and assessment, and what type of learning leads to success in life. Grading should be aligned with what we know about the learning process, child and adolescent development, and the demands of career, college, and community life. But traditional grading is so deeply ingrained in our culture, that making changes to this system can seem like an insurmountable task. That’s why we partnered with DESE and reDesign to support five unique high schools as they interrogate their traditional grading practices and make shifts toward new systems that better measure student learning and growth.