Previous Action Guides

Reimagining When, Where, and How Learning Happens
This Action Guide looks at ways to rethink education to better align with the realities and needs of the modern world, specifically focusing on three core resources that support all learning—people, place, and time—and delves into promising examples of how each can be reimagined in Massachusetts schools and programs. READ MORE

This action guide offers a concise look at innovative programs we've highlighted over the past 10 years, ones that offer effective strategies to support schools as they address the impacts of the pandemic and decide how to spend COVID relief funds. READ MORE

How MA can Support Teachers Through the Pandemic and Beyond
This Action Guide highlights the critical need for our education system to better support teachers as they face the impacts of the pandemic and adapt their practice to be more trauma-sensitive, culturally responsive, and innovative. READ MORE
How MA can Support Teachers Through the Pandemic and Beyond
This Action Guide highlights the critical need for our education system to better support teachers as they face the impacts of the pandemic and adapt their practice to be more trauma-sensitive, culturally responsive, and innovative. READ MORE

Shaping the Future of Learning through Collaboration
This Action Guide examines the crucial role community plays in education—a role that became even more prominent during COVID school closures. We provide recommendations for how schools, families, and community organizations can build on their collaboration to work toward a more equitable approach to education. READ MORE

Innovative Approaches to Understanding Diverse Learners
This Action Guide highlights ways to measure progress beyond traditional academic assessments, expanding the definition of success in order to support—and celebrate—the aspirations and achievements of all learners. READ MORE

How Young People Can Shape the Future of Education
This Action Guide examines the role students play in shaping our education system. As educators and leaders look to improve schools, students themselves are rarely given a seat at the table. This report offers recommendations for elevating the voice of students in classrooms, schools, and communities. READ MORE

Lessons of Continuous Improvement
This Action Guide reflects on the pace and progress of school improvement in our state, highlighting how practitioners are learning to achieve and sustain meaningful improvement through locally constructed change processes. READ MORE

This Action Guide offers a series of policy and practice changes to support a student-centered approach to education, one that begins with the needs and interests of the individual learner and engages students as drivers of their own learning. READ MORE

This Action Guide identifies social-emotional learning as a critical next step in education reform, noting where the state has made progress and how leaders can support a more comprehensive and research-based vision for social-emotional learning for all educators, students, and their families. READ MORE

Priority Actions for a Statewide Education Agenda
This Action Guide highlights three areas where statewide action can build on existing, effective practice to improve outcomes for all students: expanding early childhood programming; developing a robust statewide approach to holistic student support; and replicating innovative early college designs. READ MORE